A suite of sticker labels for cake box and gift packaging.

Darren Purchese Identity

An identity for Darren Purchese renowned pastry chef and creator of Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio. We built a visual language that gave us a window into the layered, experimental, colourful and playful... world of his desert creations.

 A suite of sticker labels for cake box and gift packaging.

A suite of sticker labels for cake box and gift packaging.

 Simple typographic shapes were used to create a window or lense to look through into the layered, experimental, colourful and playful world of desert creation. Photography by  Ari Hatzis

Simple typographic shapes were used to create a window or lense to look through into the layered, experimental, colourful and playful world of desert creation. Photography by Ari Hatzis

 Logo shape remains consistent, retaining brand recognition while imagery can be revised seasonally and remain current.

Logo shape remains consistent, retaining brand recognition while imagery can be revised seasonally and remain current.

 Endless variations which can be updated seasonally with new photography for digital and print applications.

Endless variations which can be updated seasonally with new photography for digital and print applications.

 Business cards with embossed logo shape on front and spot varnish to amplify the edible photography.

Business cards with embossed logo shape on front and spot varnish to amplify the edible photography.

 Website concepts bring the experimental, joyful and colourful nature of Darren’s dessert creations to life in a digital format.

Website concepts bring the experimental, joyful and colourful nature of Darren’s dessert creations to life in a digital format.

 Website concepts bring the experimental, joyful and colourful nature of Darren’s dessert creations to life in a digital format.

Website concepts bring the experimental, joyful and colourful nature of Darren’s dessert creations to life in a digital format.

 Website concepts bring the experimental, joyful and colourful nature of Darren’s dessert creations to life in a digital format.

Website concepts bring the experimental, joyful and colourful nature of Darren’s dessert creations to life in a digital format.